Re: [gtk-osx-users] cut/copy/paste accelerators on Mac

On 2014-12-27 16:05:01 +0000, John Ralls said:

As an aside, I found and fixed the problem with building the python bindings in gtk-mac-integration yesterday. There was an error in configure.

Superb! May I ask you to provide a source archive including a configure script (like these: That way I can provide a Homebrew formula that doesn't require the autotools and gtk-doc (and all its dependencies), just like for 2.0.5.

If you can convince the Zim team to move to Gtk3 I think you'll get the binding issues resolve; the introspected bindings provide full API coverage automatically, something PyGtk was never able to do. This benefits Linux users just as much as the other platforms.

I remember reading that the author was considering this. I'll be sure to voice my +1 on the matter when I send my patches.

Best regards,

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