Re: [Gtk-osx-users] newbie begs for assistance

so, early into jhbuild build, it returns this error:

*** Error during phase configure of cairo: ########## Error running ./ 
configure --prefix /Users/aronweinstein/gtk/inst --libdir '/Users/ 
aronweinstein/gtk/inst/lib' --enable-pdf --enable-quartz --disable- 
xlib --disable-static --disable-gtk-doc --disable-docs --disable- 
scrollkeeper  *** [6/11]

it gives me a bunch of choices,

[1] Rerun phase build
   [2] Ignore error and continue to install
   [3] Give up on module
   [4] Start shell
   [5] Reload configuration
   [6] Go to phase force_checkout
   [7] Go to phase configure
   [8] Go to phase clean
   [9] Go to phase distclean

but neither rerun nor ignore error seem to work.

again, sorry I'm having so much difficulty.


On 12-Jul-09, at 8:27 PM, John Ralls wrote:

> On Jul 12, 2009, at 5:13 PM, Aron Weinstein wrote:
>> Ok, so I added the directory address, created the alias and ran
>> jhbuild bootstrap and:
>> Compilation and installation finished successfully
>> *** success *** [12/12]
>> now I want to get gnucash up and running, but again, I seem to be
>> having trouble running the first command
>> Download
>> into your home directory. It makes some changes to the defaults
>> from gtk-osx
>> I tried running it with sh in front again, but it gives me an
>> unexpected syntax error:
>> ron-weinsteins-macbook-pro-2:~ aronweinstein$ sh /Users/
>> aronweinstein/
>> /Users/aronweinstein/ line 5: syntax error near
>> unexpected token `"8."'
>> /Users/aronweinstein/ line 5: `if
>> _osx_version.startswith("8."):'
>> any advice?
> You know, your inability to follow directions is really frustrating.
> It doesn't say anywhere that you should run .jhbuildrc-custom, just
> download it into your home directory. If it needed to have a .sh on
> the end, it already would.
> So change the name back and do the next step in the instructions,
> which is:
> $ jhbuild build
> It will build. It will take a while (2 hours or so on my Mac Pro).
> Then
> $ mkdir ~/gtk/inst/tmp
> $ ~/gtk/inst/bin/gnucash
> Regards,
> John Ralls
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