Re: [gtk-list] Fileselection comments

On Wed, 28 Jan 1998 jchrr@HRZ.Uni-Bielefeld.DE wrote:

> Hi !
> I tried the new fileselector. This are my thoughts:

I like Ian's changes a lot.

> - The "new directory", "delete file" and "rename file" should get a small 
>   icon (instead of text), and move to the same row as the history.

This depends if we add a filter.  Please reference this as to what
my ideas for filesel are:

Icons would be a big improvement.

> - the "." and ".." entries in the directory-window are useless with the new
>   history. Ok, some people will like the ".." to stay, but I don't need "."
>   for anything ...

I agree "." is not needed.

> - What about using a GtkTree for the directory-window ?

The tree widget included in GTK has performance problems much like 
GtkList.  This is why we are using GtkCList now.  I personally see
no advantage to having a tree widget for directories in the file
selector.  I think what you gain is a file selector dialog bigger
than my 800x600 screen.

> I made a local modification for filesel: Both files and directories where
> put into the same list, the "." and ".." entries where removed (or better:
> not added). This worked actually quite good, but I wouldn't suggest it for a
> submission. I'd need colors or icons to make the difference between files and
> directories clearer. It would be cool to get icons depending on the
> filetype. Maybe with GNOME someday... 

We need the filesel to be able to do is take the buttons replacable 
externally so that we can wrap the file selector to use gnome stock 
widgets.  We should be able to use the same method to set icons
next to the files.  

Shawn T. Amundson		Complete Internet Solutions
Senior Systems Administrator	Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

while (i) { last }
    i, do exist.

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