Re: [gtk-list] Re: Fileselection comments

* "Shawn T. Amundson" <
| On Wed, 28 Jan 1998 jchrr@HRZ.Uni-Bielefeld.DE wrote:
| > - the "." and ".." entries in the directory-window are useless with the new
| >   history. Ok, some people will like the ".." to stay, but I don't need "."
| >   for anything ...

"." isn't needed, but ".." is absolutly needed. I think it would be a
step backwards if one had to use the history thingy every time one had
clicked on the wrong directory.

| I agree "." is not needed.
| > - What about using a GtkTree for the directory-window ?
| The tree widget included in GTK has performance problems much like 
| GtkList.  This is why we are using GtkCList now.  I personally see
| no advantage to having a tree widget for directories in the file
| selector.  I think what you gain is a file selector dialog bigger
| than my 800x600 screen.

I agree. If you have a large disk and a lot of directories it would be
annoying to wait for the filesel to scan it every time, when all you
need is the current directory.

| --
| Shawn T. Amundson		Complete Internet Solutions
| Senior Systems Administrator	Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

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