Re: Pango runtime warning

I've managed to find a fix for this problem, although it doesn't explain why the problem exists.  Here's a section of code from FcInit.c, function FcInitLoadConfig()

if (!FcConfigParseAndLoad (config, 0, FcTrue))
      FcConfigDestroy (config);
      return FcInitFallbackConfig ();

If I change that to look like this, the code works:-

if (1)
      FcConfigDestroy (config);
      return FcInitFallbackConfig ();

My original app stops giving me the blocky output and fc-match appears to work (at least it gives me some output.  To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what fc-match is supposed to do.  Is there any documentation on its usage?)

FcConfigParseAndLoad() seems to call the FreeType library which appears to create some kind of cache.  It's during that caching process that I see all the error messages that I've mentioned in previous posts.  However, despite the error output, FcConfigParseAndLoad() returns successfully with no error returned.  However, anything that subsequently needs to use FontConfig managed fonts can't seem to find them.

My guess (although it is only a guess) is that perhaps FreeType is getting upset about the fact that my file paths contain spaces.  How could I find out if that's a known issue with FreeType?


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