Re: RFC: new features

On 01/14/2012 10:26 AM, Stefan Sauer wrote:
> I agree that showing the tips as a startup dialog is somewhat annoying.
> On the other hand it would be useful to have a way to tell users about
> neat tricks and stuff and is not totally obvious. Sure, all of this can
> be documented in the manual, but apparently those are read even less
> often. Not sure if info bars that auto-hide after a while are better ...

As for manuals and help files go, I'm not sure what is cause and what is
effect.  And of course there is something to be said for making features
of programs easily accessible.

I conceded that some use this tips feature, as another poster indicated.
 It might be worth gathering real use statistics on it if I were an app

Currently I can't think of any big-name, and well-used programs like
Photoshop or MS Office that do this anymore, though they were very
common a few years back.  Seemed to me like it was a passing fad and
Linux apps were late to the party!

Not sure about info bars either, but they might be less intrusive and
maybe people would actually read them.

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