Re: Gtk+3 application Internationalization

How is localisation done in the new system?

In the same way you localize your application's strings

For simple programs, I do not bother to do my own localization, because most of needed words are already available in localization files of GTK and its components. Thus I define:

#define A_(String) g_dpgettext ("atk10", String, 0)
#define L_(String) g_dpgettext ("glib20", String, 0)
#define G_(String) g_dpgettext ("gtk20", String, 0)
#define P_(String) g_dpgettext ("gtk20-properties", String, 0)

and then I can use for example:

G_("File"), P_("Image"), A_("paragraph")

and so on.

But of course, some of these words are not available in all versions.

Another possibility is to use localization files of other programs which also use .mo files (for example GIMP).

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