GtkColorChooser questions

Hi all,

I am trying to use the GtkColorChooserDialog (3.14 under CentOS7 and also 3.18 under MacOS/MacPorts) and have two questions:

(1) My app will potentially do a substantial amount of custom color creation. Every time I make a new custom color with GtkColorChooserDialog, the next time I open the dialog to make another custom color, my previous custom color gets added as a new color swatch to the right of the custom color button at the bottom of the dialog. This ultimately leads to a LOT of unwanted color swatches in the dialog. It gets even worse as it seems that these custom colors are remembered when I exit the program and restart. I do NOT want to see every custom color I have created since the beginning of time appear as its own swatch in this custom color display! How do I disable this behavior so that I NEVER see new custom color swatches displayed in the dialog? I have tried calling gtk_color_chooser_add_palette() but that seems to only get rid of the row/column standard swatch display, while leaving all the unwanted custom color swatches in place. I have found that 'gsettings reset org.gtk.Settings.ColorChooser custom-colors' will clear the custom color swatches between program runs, but (i) that's a solution beyond the expertise of many of my users, and (ii) I want this unwanted swatch proliferation within each program execution to stop as well.

(2) Running the GtkColorChooserDialog via gtk_dialog_run() seems to always result in a two-step operation for the user. First, a palette of swatches is displayed. Then, if the user clicks the custom button (or asks to customize an existing color), the HSV color field tool displays and can be used to create a new color. I find the whole palette swatch display step a waste of time -- what I really want to do is to go straight to the HSV color field selector after first initializing the color field, via program subroutine call and not user GUI activity, to an initial arbitrary RGB setting. Is there a way to do this?

I have only tried the GtkColorChooserDialog so far, and not the GtkColorButton or GtkColorChooserWidget, as I saw nothing in their documentation that hinted I would get better results by using either of them directly instead of the GtkColorChooserDialog. If I'm mistaken please advise! (All things being equal I'd prefer using the dialog for programmatic convenience.)

Any suggestions (other than write my own color chooser, which I fear may be my ultimate fate)?

Roger Davis
Univ. of Hawaii

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