Re: libglade frustration redux

Time to dip my oar in the water...

On Sat, 2007-02-17 at 13:18 -0500, Gerald I. Evenden wrote:
On Saturday 17 February 2007 12:16 pm, you wrote:
Gerald I. Evenden wrote on 02/17/2007 05:49 PM:
On line 72 in module main there is a reference to function
g_signal_connect. I cannot find any reference to this entry in the index

Have you tried typing "g_signal_connect" into
Google and clicking on "I'm Feeling Lucky"?  This is what everybody has
been telling you: the information is there, and it's not hard to find;
you need to make just a little bit more effort.

Not only is one inundated with a zillion identifiers and terse documentation 
but also magic potions for locating the spartan information.

One thing: you looked in 2 places, but there is a 3rd that fully
documents g_siglan_connect: the GObject documentation.

However, and a bit more pertinant: I haven't seen any mention yet of
DevHelp.  If you install DevHelp (most modern distros should have it),
and the -doc packages your distribution provides for the various GTK
components (GTK, GLib, libglade, the GNOME libraries, etc.), devhelp
lets you search all of them in one place.  You can search for
'g_signal_connect' in its search box, and it will take you to the exact
documentation of that function.  Or any other function, object, signal,
or property in the GTK world you want.  It has made me noticably more
productive when trying to work on GTK stuff.

- Michael

Michael Ekstrand
Research Assistant, Scalable Computing Laboratory
Goanna, compute cluster and InfiniBand network monitor tool:

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