Re: libglade frustration redux

On Friday 16 February 2007 11:17 pm, Michael Torrie wrote:
On Fri, 2007-02-16 at 22:13 -0500, Gerald I. Evenden wrote:
I believe that much of the above and following issues are reasonably well
resolved but there are serious problems with the adequacy of some
sections (glib) but I will address these to a specific issue on a
subsequent email

I'm not quite sure what kind of documentation you require.  This is the
second time you've made an assertion like this without specifying a) how
has the documentation failed you, and b) how can it be improved.  Please
do so.


From a web page there are four example programs from which I will 
select example2 as an sample of incomplete/non-existant documentation.  See

for the C code.

On line 72 in module main there is a reference to function g_signal_connect.  
I cannot find any reference to this entry in the index

By following the glib.h include at the beginning of the example-1.c file I 
managed to grep out a definition in /usr/include/glib-2.0/gobject/g_signal.h 
which is a redefinition of the entry g_signal_connect_data.

If the *.h files are any indication there is a whole group of g_signal_* 
entries BUT I cannot find any description of their usage, even in a printed 
manual on GTK+.

The author of example2.c is probably a GTK guru who (as has been suggested) 
digested all of the sources of GTK/Glib and thus new how to include this 
statement and assumed that everyone else was equally conversant with GTK, et 
al..  But for wet-behind-the-ears beginners the example is of dubious value 
when the documentation of the usage of ALL the GTK/Glib functions included in 
the program is incomplete.

Do I blame the author of example1.c or the authors of the GTK manual?  Someone 
is surely deserving a thousand lashes of a wet noodle.

The reason I was researching this example was that I felt that the example's 
usage of the progress bar widget was not functioning properly; the pulse 
operation does not create any visible effect.

The whole religious complexion of the modern world is due
to the absence from Jerusalem of a lunatic asylum.
-- Havelock Ellis (1859-1939)  British psychologist

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