Re: libglade frustration redux

On Saturday 17 February 2007 12:16 pm, you wrote:
Gerald I. Evenden wrote on 02/17/2007 05:49 PM:
On line 72 in module main there is a reference to function
g_signal_connect. I cannot find any reference to this entry in the index

Have you tried typing "g_signal_connect" into
Google and clicking on "I'm Feeling Lucky"?  This is what everybody has
been telling you: the information is there, and it's not hard to find;
you need to make just a little bit more effort.



I give up!  I throw in the towel.

I am sorry I have bothered y'all but this experience has demonstrated to me 
how one can become completely overwhelmed by the complexity of a system.

Not only is one inundated with a zillion identifiers and terse documentation 
but also magic potions for locating the spartan information.

As for effort, I think I have payed reasonable dues in trying to run down 
information.  What is overwhelming is the fact that the number of paths one 
has to search is large and it is difficult to know which one to follow.  It 
would have helped to have a master index at the top of the documentation 

A long time ago I did a relatively simple GUI to display cartographic map 
information using the Athena widgets.  I thought they were a little 
complicated but I managed to get the first draft done in a couple of weeks 
and polished the whole thing within a month.  Granted the Athena display was 
a little primative but it did work and did not take 21 days to learn the 
basics (as one book on GTK+ suggests).

Since then I stayed with command line projects and simple libraries like gsl, 
etc. where the documentation was fairly complete and any additional 
information was readily available in any halfass math library.

One thing that did attract me to this system was glade which nicely handles 
the layout aspects and callback issues.  But it obviously does not go far 

I'll give a look at Tcl/Tk but I am not aware of a glade equivalent for that 
system.  Otherwise I will fall back on ncurses.

Again, thanks for your time and comments.
The whole religious complexion of the modern world is due
to the absence from Jerusalem of a lunatic asylum.
-- Havelock Ellis (1859-1939)  British psychologist

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