Re: Problem of gtk2.24 on Soloaris 8 ;

I downloaded gtk2.2.4 library and dependency developing Toolkits from . But, there are many errors reported while I compile the example program issued with gtk.
I had similar problems when trying to use the precompiled 
packages for sol8-intel a few months back.  None of my apps would link 
correctly, with most of the gdk and gtk functions reported as undefined 
In the end, I just got the source tarballs and built the libraries myself 
using the normal "./configure ; make ; make install" method, but make sure 
you do all the dependencies first.
Alternatively, I've since been told by someone else that the Sun GNOME 2.0 
desktop for Solaris 8 package includes a useable set of libraries, so you 
could try installing that instead.

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