Re: Re: Problem of gtk2.24 on Soloaris 8 ;

----- Original Message ----- From: "chihailong3" <chihailong3 163 com>

Thanks very much for your wonderfull answer!
I don't Know why SUN put a lots of invalid soft pakage on their website.
,they think nobody will download it :) .
As indicated in your email : we can download SUN GNOME2.0 desktop  for
Solaris 8
Package .The problem come with it: where can I get it , and It's free ?
Expect your reply again !!!

Thanks  .
Sam chi

Firstly, I'm returning this conversation to the list (you replied directly to me, not to the list) because that's where it started and if people find your original post interesting then they'll want to see the follow up. Also, other people will no doubt have better answers than me.

Anyway, I have no idea where you can download the package from, nor what it's licensing terms are. As I said in my original email, I've "been told by someone else" that it works. I have never used it myself, so can't help you I'm afraid.

Perhaps someone else can.

Good luck finding it,

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