disable FileChooser elements?

Hi all.

I'm new to GTK and the list, so please bear with me.

Our application currently uses FileSelection with several of its widgets disabled / hidden. For example, we disable folder selection because we restrict all data to a specific directory, and don't want the user open/saving in a different location.

With FileSelection it was relatively easy to disable various elements contained in the dialog we didn't want, a la:

fsel = gtk_file_selection_new(...yadda yadda...);
gtk_widget_hide(GTK_FILE_SELECTION(fsel)->history_pulldown );
gtk_widget_hide(GTK_FILE_SELECTION(fsel)->selection_entry );
gtk_widget_hide(GTK_FILE_SELECTION(fsel)->selection_text );

I'd like to migrate to a FileChooserDialog (or FileChooserWidget) but I can't seem to figure out how to gain access to the necessary pointers (as defined in gtkfilechooserdefault.c) to accomplish the same thing:

 GtkWidget *browse_shortcuts_tree_view;
 GtkWidget *browse_shortcuts_add_button;
 GtkWidget *browse_shortcuts_remove_button;



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