Re: GTK UNIX to Win32 tutorial up

On Sun, 5 May 2002, Taura Milana wrote:

     First we'ed like to give thanks to everyone who helped
out when we needed to port a GTK app to Win32.  It was
successful and I suggested that we write up a tutorial so
others may benifit.

The tutorial is located here:

It's written step by step, but it is not official and not
fool proof. We've gone through it a number of times to set
up our Windows machines and port programs without any
serious problems.

Nice! Good job. Good information.

Why did you decide to use VC++ instead of mingw?

Please let us know if you find any mistakes, errors,
typos (that sort of stuff)! :)

You might want to say something like:

Make sure that the GTK+ application that you are porting can be compiled
successfully and that it runs properly on a UNIX machine with GTK+ 2.0.
instead of:

Make sure that the GTK+ application that you are porting can be compiled
successfully and that it runs properly on a UNIX machine. 

since you are using 2.0.

Some newbie will say it runs find under unix but gives errors with Win32.


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