Re: GTK UNIX to Win32 tutorial up

On 2002.05.06 09:25 Chris Nystrom wrote:

Nice! Good job. Good information.

Why did you decide to use VC++ instead of mingw?


      VC++ was the only compiler that we had access to and
support for from a Windows consultant with a site license.

We tried cygwin earlier but was unable to get it to work
on any of our machines unfortunately.

Please let us know if you find any mistakes, errors,
typos (that sort of stuff)! :)

You might want to say something like:

Make sure that the GTK+ application that you are porting can be compiled
successfully and that it runs properly on a UNIX machine with GTK+ 2.0.
instead of:

Make sure that the GTK+ application that you are porting can be compiled
successfully and that it runs properly on a UNIX machine. 

since you are using 2.0.

Some newbie will say it runs find under unix but gives errors with Win32.

Thanks, I'll stick that in. I hope GTK+ 2.0 is compatable with
1.2.  Since we haven't ported our GTK+ apps to 2.0 just yet.

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
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