Re: programming editor

On Fri, 9 Mar 2001, Ilan Volow wrote:

--- "tony K." <tony kwok 3web net> wrote:
This might be slightly OT, but I noticed that I am
not the only one 
that works simultaneously in MSWindows and Gnome.

The lack of X-window in MSWindows is your main
obstackle. Not the different "platforms".

I am looking - so far unsucessfully - for a
graphical, mouse/menu
oriented,  (i.e. no Vi, Emacs. etc...)  programming
editor  that 

Mount your file-systems so that you can work from
any of the platforms. Note that Windows demands a lokal
user and it is hard to compile and debugg remotly in 
Windows. This chould be amended by something like or

satisfies the following (non-negotiable!) list of 

1) Same user interface on both platforms.

With the abowe tools your dream has come true.

2) Has multiple-file search/replace facility.

AHA like 
perl -pi.bak -e 's/xxx/yyy/' `find . -name \*.c`
which is easy to spawn from emacs...

3) Can do vertical scroll using mouse wheel.

AJ - keybindings are strange...

4) Works with global clipboard in both environments.

This is WERY global... ;-)

5) Works reasonably well with large (1-2Meg) (text)
data files.

Someting like 
ls -als *.wav
71520 -rw-r--r--  1 gh  gh  36580700 Dec  8 19:45 slask.wav
emacs slask.wav

No - problem...

6) Does C language syntax highlight.

use ( require 'hilit19)

7) Can have multiple (single-window) copies running
at the same time.


And that is it... nothing more required, nothing
less accepted.

And the strange thing is it would not cost you a penny.
(But it has a steep learning curve... )


Göran Hasse            email: gh raditex se     Tel: +46 8 694 92 70
Raditex AB       Fax: +46 8 442 05 91
Sickla Alle 7, 1tr                              Mob: 070-5530148

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