Re: programming editor

Havoc Pennington wrote:

Ilan Volow <raskinite yahoo com> writes:

One suggestion is you look at Metrowerks CodeWarrior.
The last linux version they released(which I believe
was the only linux version they released) was put out
1-2 years ago. CW on the mac and on windows were
somewhat similar, so I suspect that also might be the
case for CW under linux. You might be able to buy a
copy off ebay dirt cheap. There is also a CW clone
called "Code Crusader" which I used before (saw (I the
light)(and became (I an emacs convert))) ;) It's
pretty good, and you can find it at

Don't buy CodeWarrior - the Linux version is _awful_. Truly atrocious
piece of software. The basic functionality doesn't even work.


I bought the earlier version which was horridly out of date and didn't
have anything of value that I could find.  Luckily the store I 
bought it at was willing to take it back (MicroCenter gets a plug

I did just get a note from MetroWerks that their latest version
(maybe 6.x) is available now.  I checked their web site and
it does appear that linux is at the same rev level as their
windows offering.

I'm torn about the whole thing.  I really resented their attempt
at taking advantage of the fledgeling Linux market, but I also
appreciate that they are supporting Linux at all.

I hear they have drugs for schizophrenia now.  I think I'm off
to find a drug dealer...


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