Re: COUP_ bases.

Andreas J. Guelzow wrote:-

Currently the bases are implemented as follows. Likely the names used 
for them are not completely correct. bases 0 to 4 have to be like that 
to match what Excel appears to be doing:


base 0: BASIS_30Ep360

date adjustment:
to_date is changed from last of month (whether 28, 29, 30, or 31) to 30th
from_date is changed from last of month (whether 28, 29, 30, or 31) to 30th

date difference:
each month 30 days, within a month serial delta

No, both for name and description.  Called either "PSA 30/360" or,
only by Excel, "NASD 30/360".  Try (28Feb01,28Feb01) to see why your
description is wrong.  Answer is -2, not zero as your description
would get.

This convention is not used in *any* markets to the best of my
knowledge.  Bloomberg doesn't implement it either, and they cover damn
near everything (albeit with a fair number of bugs, too, but far less
than MS 8^)).  Seems to be at least 5 years old, or a figment of MS's


date adjustment:
no change

date difference:
serial delta

currently serial delta also for length of coupon period but that
is not Excel comp.

I don't grok what you're saying here.  There are 2 meanings of
Act/Act, one for bonds, one for swaps.  For bonds its actual days /
actual days (doh! 8^)).

Used for accrued int and yields.

base 2: BASIS_ACT360

date adjustment:
no change

date difference:
serial delta, even for times of 1 year between settlement and
coupon date

360/freq for length of coupon period

I don't understand what you're saying here either.  Act/360 is as easy
as could be: number of days / 360.  Used only for accrued int, not
yields.  CoupDays seems to period-ize it, but that's a simple issue.

base 3: BASIS_ACT365

date adjustment:
no change

date difference:
serial delta, even for times of 1 year between settlement and
coupon date

365/freq for length of coupon period, (with decimal answer)

Number of days / 365.  Easy.  Used for accrued int and yields.

base 4: BASIS_30E360

date adjustment:
from_date is changed from 31st to 30th
to_date is changed from 31st to 30th

date difference:
each month 30 days, within a month serial delta

Yup.  Used for accrued int and yields.

base 5: BASIS_30_360

date adjustment:
from_date is changed from 31st to 30th
if from_date is 30 or 31, to_date is changed from 31st to 30thdate 

Yup.  Used for accrued int and yields.

Then there's basis 6:

The real meaning of 30E+360 (30Ep360 as an identifier, say):

d1:  31->30 (as for all 30/360 conventions)
d2:  31->1, m2++ if d1 >= 30.

This is used for calculating yields according to the "EuroBond"
convention.  It's not used for accrued interest.  FWIW.


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