Re: COUPDAYS Help needed

Andreas J. Guelzow wrote:-

Perhaps you can find a justification for the both of the 2  values:

coupdays("25-Oct-2019","28-Feb-2023",1,1) == 365
coupdays("28-Feb-2019","29-Feb-2020",1,1)  == 366
this is in Act/Act, annually.

Do these differ between Mac and Windows?  Or is this something you
noticed?  (I don't have Excel available to play with at home).

  coupdays("25-Oct-2019","28-Feb-2023",1,1) == 365

I believe that should be 366 (OK, I'm sure it should be, since Excel
defaults to RollEOM).  Do you agree?

  coupdays("28-Feb-2019","29-Feb-2020",1,1)  == 366

I reckon that's correct.

The more I discover, the more useless I believe Excel's bond analysis
functions to be.  I wonder if MS uses them in-house.


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