Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] problem with audio

Damien Sandras:

Le dim 25/01/2004 à 13:17, maHo a écrit :
hmm, I cannot agree with you. I'm sure that I'm able to play/record in various frequiencies when using alsa oss emulation. But maybe not all frequiencies are supported, byt I'm sure that such freqiences as 22k, 44.1k, 11.5k are supported.

It actually depends on the exact version of the chipset. Try with 8 kHz,
and you will see, it won't work. If it works (I doubt), then you have
another problem than what I think, and you are on your own to fix it !
yeah, you're right. It works, but not properly. I mean it doesn't throw any error that such frequency isn't supported, but records with higher speed, writing required speed in wav header. in result, while playing sound is sssssssllllllloooooooooowwwwww :)

hoever, I cannot build snapshot. I get snapshot It doesn't build with stable version of pwlib and openh323 (which is obvious), but I cannot get pwlib snapshot.
I do cvs co  and i get
cvs server: existing repository /cvsroot/openh323/pwlib does not match /cvsroot/openh323/pwlib/samples
cvs server: ignoring module pwlib/samples
cvs server: existing repository /cvsroot/openh323/pwlib does not match /cvsroot/openh323/pwlib/tools/asnparser
cvs server: ignoring module pwlib/tools/asnparser
cvs server: existing repository /cvsroot/openh323/pwlib does not match /cvsroot/openh323/pwlib/include
cvs server: ignoring module pwlib/include/ptlib.h
cvs server: existing repository /cvsroot/openh323/pwlib does not match /cvsroot/openh323/pwlib/include
cvs server: ignoring module pwlib/include/
cvs server: existing repository /cvsroot/openh323/pwlib does not match /cvsroot/openh323/pwlib/include/ptclib
cvs server: ignoring module pwlib/include/ptclib
cvs server: existing repository /cvsroot/openh323/pwlib does not match /cvsroot/openh323/pwlib/include/ptlib
cvs server: ignoring module pwlib/include/ptlib
cvs server: existing repository /cvsroot/openh323/pwlib does not match /cvsroot/openh323/pwlib/src/ptclib
cvs server: ignoring module pwlib/src/ptclib
cvs server: existing repository /cvsroot/openh323/pwlib does not match /cvsroot/openh323/pwlib/src/ptlib/common
cvs server: ignoring module pwlib/src/ptlib/common

does anybody knows some other way to fetch snapshots?. Links to 'other sources' and 'miscs' at results with 403 forbidden.



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