Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] New feature - controlling the calls (allow/deny)

On Thu, 2002-12-05 at 23:32, Damien Sandras wrote:
> OK, it is time to make full proposals. Please everybody propose an idea
> or improve a current idea. Remember that the best idea is the easiest
> one. Users are not experts and need to have an easy way to do what they
> want, and they must be able to do all what they want.
> My idea is to have 2 lists:
> - an Friends List (friends, family, ..., not groups as we have no notion
> of contact list as we are not an instant messenger).
> - a Reject List (for your ennemies).

   maybe something even easier at first:
Right now gm has a call history, but its a simple text window. It would
be much nicer, if it would be a list, where you can select an entry, call
him/her back, or add him/her to the planned adressbook :)

Also .. could there be an API for getting a number->Adress entry translation
from an external source ? i.e. an LDAP server, or a database, so GM could
display Call from "Foo Bar" instead of Call from "0049 2166 ... " ;)


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