RFC brainstorming

Hello everyone,

i just discovered brainstorm.ubuntu.com which looks like a great idea. I
think it would be even better to have something like this for the
software itself (in this case gnome and friends) and not at the
distributor. Also I guess a lot of the ideas there are about gnome and
not ubuntu specific [0].

There are a lot of ideas out [1] there and I think developers should
care about them and about which stuff is wished more often than other.

I would love to see something similar on gnome's site... What do you
think? Is this a good list to discuss this?

brainstorm.ubuntu is open source. I didn't found that much information
about it yet. Maybe you could use it on gnome.org too. Some links:


Any thoughts?


[0] like http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/80/
    just took one from the top but I'm sure there are much more ;)

[1] like http://www.venturecake.com/10-ideas-to-improve-gnome/

PS Please CC me.

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