Re: Troubles with the design at 800x600 and 1024x768

On 04 Mar 2007, at 20:59, Quim Gil wrote:

Confirmed that we go now for vertical nav bar.

Question: left or right column? If itś the right column how should we
negotiate with the portlets (blocks) planned to go there optionally.

On the other, currently the wgo primary nav bar (Home, Take the tour,
Products...) creates a second row in 800x600. And look really bad.

I keep asking myself whether we should keep that "Home" tab just next
to the big GNOME logo that could accomplish the same function of
linking to the wgo home.
This tab can be removed from ZMI in portal_actions: the 'Home' action (id 'index_html') visibility can be set to false.
I suggest the portal admin does it manually.
I could write some code for having it done at (re)install time but honestly code for modifying actions in portal_action is heavy compared to the cost of doing it manually.

For having the image becoming a link, I suggest going back to the way the Plone main_template + CSS displays the portal header. We would then have the 'Skip to content.' and 'Skip to navigation.' links back in the generated pages (those are accessibility 'must have's).

just my €0.02,


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