Re: [wgo] i18n && skin

Yay!  Now, if you check now, I've
attempted a slightly fuller example (of part of the about page).  Once
again, feel free to take whatever you can use from it.

Thanks a lot, Seems like I can "steal" more ideas from there.
The current status of the CSS development onto the CVS is:

a) General navbar redone (I consider it as "beta") using much of the ideas I've found in Ricky's mockup. It's actually his bar with a couple fixes regarding paddings and margins that, if not applied, tend to cut out background images. The whole thing does scale decently if I raise the character size from one or two points, but starts to cripple a bit if you go further)

b) First "proof of concept" tabbar. I consider it as "alpha", and I need to redo all the images (the actual ones are horrible).  So Ricky, if you want you can change them and commit the changes onto the cvs.
The approach I took is a mix between Ricky's mockup and the approach taken by the guys at (they had the nicest tabs arounds, IMHO). The only problem is that it still needs some fixing for what regards the positioning of the whole block and the fact that I'm using images to draw the tabs. There are still things to be tested in terms of "scaling".

Ok that's all. For what regards PNGs, I'll leave them as they are. Then, in the IEFixes.css of plone (a file already present that gets loaded only by IE6) we can simply add redefine all the styles background to grab gifs instead of pngs.

Greetings all


As for learning to use Plone/Zope, I've setup a test server to play
around with .  Thanks for the book suggestion-- I'll try to
read/experiment in my spare time.

PS That's great! so we can spare the effort and work on different tasks in order to get things done more quickly... if you have doubts or anything, you can contact me through Google Talk ;)

<Ivyshaur> No, we've been informed that listening to Rammstein is the best way to learn German.
<mrPants> You learn it very quick
<mrPants> The problem is that you only know how to talk about sodomy, canibalism, incest, and death
<granola> there are other things to talk about?
<mrPants> Not in germany

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