Re: [wgo] i18n && skin

On 11/24/06, Ramon Navarro Bosch <ramon epsem upc edu> wrote:
Some little points about wgo:
        * So Ricky Zhou, Simone Deponti and Maria that have svn access
can you say a part of the navigation/footer part and try to create the
needed css part ?
Hi!  I haven't learned to use Zope/Plone yet, so I'm kind of afraid to
commit anything to SVN, but I've created a short CSS mockup of the
navigation: (  This has been
tested in Firefox, IE7, and Opera, but I don't have access to IE6 over
the weekend.

Note: In making this, I've assumed that we have full control over the
markup, since the current default markup doesn't fit the semantic
markup requirement at

For convenience through color changes, I've kept the PNGs transparent,
but those will probably have to be changed for IE6 later on.  Also,
random issue with the language choice: Is it clear enough that the
globe is the submit button, or should a separate one be added?

Other random issue: I've used a strange mix of px and ex for units,
which might not be to everybody's liking.

(The images/design were taken from

Hope this helps,

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