Re: Website ideas

Ryan Muldoon <rpmuldoon students wisc edu> wrote:
> In my last email I proposed an initial structure
> proposal, and was hoping that it would foster some discussion, but so
> there haven't been any comments..

I was waiting for the list to calm down a bit, but now I see that this will
probably take a few weeks :-)

I think you have a nice, comprehensible structure worked out. A few

> -->new gtk software (?)

I would choose not to include 'normal' gtk-only software any more. This
will probably be not so nice for those that currently announce their
software on A quick look at shows that a lot of
the software there is old (1999 or earlier), and that most of the newer
software has at least optional gnome support. I think it is better to have
a high quality list with only robust and/or actively being developed
software then a list with outdated software and broken links.

> -->translation info

How about or (or is it
with a s?) or something like that? I think internationalization is
important enough to have it's own section.

A common layout structure for all these sites is obviously needed, but like
someone proposed, it would imho be nice to distinguish them with a
different background color or so. All the graphically gifted people among
us may want to start designing and putting their stuff online for
(joshua, could you put links to all those pages on the page you already
have?) There will be designs that we will not use, so please don't feel
offended if you design something and it is not choosen. Consider it
software Darwinism :-)

Joshua, could you also put a sort of voting system on your page so that we
can elect a sort of leader for this? Otherwise we'll keep on nitpicking on
some things and we will never get any work done. I would support Joakim
Ziegler as it seems to me that he has real world contact with the gnome
developers at helix code. Joakim, do you get 'paid' time to work on the
gnome website or is this all in your own time?



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