Re: Website ideas

On Sat, Nov 18, 2000 at 01:28:23PM +0100, Roel wrote:
> > -->new gtk software (?)
> I would choose not to include 'normal' gtk-only software any more. This
> will probably be not so nice for those that currently announce their
> software on A quick look at shows that a lot of
> the software there is old (1999 or earlier), and that most of the newer
> software has at least optional gnome support. I think it is better to have
> a high quality list with only robust and/or actively being developed
> software then a list with outdated software and broken links.

That is because the last time I added anything to the list was in 1999,
and is not an indication of anything other than that.  The intent was to 
list all GNOME software on as well.  But there is no way 
I could keep up, and had no desire to do so really.  When Freshmeat was
purchased, I stopped updating the list entirely.

By listing GTK+-only apps as well, you give a more complete view of what 
is available, and might avoid some duplication of work.  For example, just
because GIMP is GTK+-only, should it not show up in GNOME's software 
list?  GIMP is still GNOME's best app, even if it has little GNOME 
support.  ;-) 


Shawn T. Amundson                       amundson eventloop com	
Research and Development      
EventLoop, Inc.               

"The assumption that the universe looks the same in every
 direction is clearly not true in reality." - Stephen Hawking

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