Re: VFS integration with kernel mounts

Jerome Haltom wrote:
So, UUID file identifiers look horrible, etc. I agree. But why are we
then arguing for using them in gvfs? The same arguments apply there.

Because we want to solve the issue of opening a link to an item on a
removable device, and be properly prompted to insert the device.
Whatever this requires, we'll bring up. =) Any other ideas?

perhaps something like this? (from my fusi.h header file...)

/* ---------- path utilities ---------- */

fast operations to detemine information about filesystem paths (uses cached list of fuse mountpoints)
  hint: the mainloop has to be active to pick up changes

typedef enum

/** checks if the path is pointing to/below a fusi mountpoint */
FusiChkPathResult   fusi_chk_path(FusiSession * session, char * path);

/** returns NULL if not fuse-mounted or not potentially fuse-mounted */ FusiMountPoint * fusi_get_mountpoint_for_path(FusiSession * session, char * path);

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