Re: 2.24 roadmap draft


On Wed, 2008-04-09 at 15:24 +0200, Lapo Calamandrei wrote:
> We where talking about something else then clearlooks for the flat
> theme, like the olpc engine.
> I think darkilouche is the most usable dark theme around (w/o orange
> buttons tho) but it's a metter of taste, and Jakub and Hylke are going
> to look at it. I htink I'll concentrate on icons mostly tho, so I hope
> in Benjamin help for the flat theme.

The flat theme for me currently means getting more widgets supported in
the Sugar engine. And of course modifications to the theme so that it
works better for desktop applications. The nice thing is that the Sugar
interface would also benefit from such work.
One issue I need to work out though is how to distribute the sugar
engine properly if it is also used in GNOME.

The idea was floating around to change the default theme to have a dark
colour scheme during the unstable release cycle. This way a lot more
applications are tested and problems with hardcoded colours, or places
where the wrong text colour is used can be found (as labels and entries
may use a different colour).

I wonder what the requirements are to do this. Would we need to announce
it devel-anounce-list and gnome-doc-list (so they do not end up using
the dark colour scheme for screenshots)? Or we just ask people to test
dark themes thoroughly.


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