Re: Design choice for suspend option only

> The reason is that GNOME 3 is geared towards power saving and wear and
> tear.  Shutting down your laptop is not as good as suspend.

Do you have any sources to back up the claim that it's less power
consuming to suspend a computer then to shut it down or hibernate it?

> So when people as you, it's because suspend is a better mode than shutting
> down and booting up.  Since that increases wear and tear on your laptop
> especially drives.

This I can imagine being real, but again is there anything more behind
this than speculation?

> Suspend lets you instantly start working again.  If suspend is not working
> then we need to push for the Linux eco-system to make it work.  Not making
> compromises forces people to actually fix the various issues and that makes
> Linux better.
> On a Mac, I never ever think of shutting down, I just close the lid and then
> open up again.  Why?  Because suspend is nearly instantaneous.
> One could argue that it doesn't make sense for a desktop, but honestly for
> myself I never shutdown my machine, it's better to go into a power saving
> mode.

Except those times we need to load a new kernel with new security patches on.


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