Re: Two or three things I see coming in gnome-shell

On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 2:38 AM, Jasper St. Pierre <jstpierre mecheye net> wrote:

> Ensure that Evolution is running in the background but without a GUI and /
> or have a daemon that checks the mail. For rhythmbox, make music playback or
> radio is being transferred to a body that plays the songs, Rhythmbox will
> close but in this instance the notification area will continue to play
> songs.

Put them on their own workspace and ignore them?

That's what I usually do, but it's not quite optimal.  The problem is that music players aren't a task.  I'll call them "distractions" in this particular case.  They break the design because it's one of those passive applications that we usually manage through media keys or through MPRIS or what not.  So when they sit in their own workspace they are inserting themselves between tasks.  So instead of going to one workspace over I might have to go two workspaces over and skip over "dead space".

The best method I've gotten is to put rhythmbox and evolution on the first workspace since it's the only one that isn't affected by the dynamic workspace management.  My optimal solution for music players is to intellegently use the overview search to manage music.  An app is required to manage songs, playlists and albums but execution could be done from the overview using rhythmbox as a data source.  (I understand we are not using tracker directly but through the application, so I'm respecting that)  Something along the lines of "play favorite songs from led zeppelin" or "awesome songs", or "album Octavarium"...


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