Re: Command completer in runDialog

On Sat, 2011-03-19 at 10:27 -0700, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
> I will be the first to say you'll pry gnome-do from my cold dead hands.. I
> use it today in replacement for alt-f2 which I never found useful at all in
> any of its iterations on GNOME 2.

While I agree about gnome-do I don't think it is generally bad idea (see

> That said, there is nothing about the architecture of GNOME do that i can't
> do it in shell.

While I agree it is also true that there is nothing about the
architecture of empathy I couldn't do from CLI. Yet I prefer to do it
from GUI (even though I use shell extensively in my daily workflow).

> I think we're going on the right path, we can add whatever extensions we
> want as power users to get the desktop to behave how we want.  Leave alt-f2
> to what it was intended for.  As was mentioned before performance issues are
> something that will get fixed after feature freeze,

I have no performance issues in hardware (there is overhead of
animation). I have them in model - let's just assume that I have short
memory and with Alt+F2 I see what I am doing and in overview mode
everything changes to white boxes and I don't ;)


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