Re: Suggestion: Make a dock from application icons in overview

On Fri, 2010-12-03 at 11:59 +0100, Milan Bouchet-Valat wrote:
> Alt+F2 is really meant to be a simple launch entry for when you know the
> exact command they want to run. Else, use the search entry from the
> overview, which is exactly designed for that: it has a simple shortcut
> (Logo key), and is meant to be extended. It will gain web search support
> soon, and probably recent files (Zeitgeist), possibly people...

As I understand it, the designers consider the Alt-F2 dialog "power user
crack". That means that:
 1. They won't put any (much?) design work into it
 2. They won't object (much?) to an advanced (e.g. do-like) dialog

So I wouldn't discard a more powerful run dialog, but it is not in the
focus of the core developers - lots of work and not much time. But I
think reasonable (a.k.a. "not total crack") contributions would be

In addition, extensions can overwrite the build-in dialog - it's neither
officially supported nor recommended, but extensions *are* that


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