Re: Do/not implement Dock.

2010/4/15 Tomasz Sterna <tomek xiaoka com>
Dnia 2010-04-15, czw o godzinie 08:44 -0400, Mark Curtis pisze:
> But Sean is commenting on how they all look similar IN THE OVERVIEW.

Let's test it:
3 Opera windows, 2 terminal windows. EASILY recognisable in a snap!

I cant see how three Firefox Windows could look exactly the same in the Overview, 
besides having the exact same Site open three Times (like 3 Google Instances) which usually happens...uhm never?
Please, Gnome Shell is about creating something thats supposed to guide us into the future of DE's. 
So whats the sense in including Gimmicks that fruity company invented what, like 10 years ago?
Usability first, EyeCandy later...

And now please dont think i dont know how useful things like Docky or AWN appear to be, i've tested both for quite some time and keep doing so with every significant change to those Apps, but are they really necessary on a Day to Day Base? Me thinks not ;)

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