Re: Task list in Gnome Shell - mockup

> That's actually how GTK+ menus work currently: click and hold, release
> on the item you want; or just click and release, and click again on the
> item you want. That's quite good, but IMHO we may need a quicker
> solution to switch windows, where you don't need to go through a whole
> menu.

An idea: Point at the menu and scroll.

A semi-transparent replica of the menu should open. Scrolling
up/forwards should move the highlight up; scrolling down/backwards
should move the highlight down.

When the pointer leaves the menu-button area (not the area where the
semi-transparent menu is), the chosen window is activated and the
semi-transparent menu display closes.

If the user clicks or clicks-and-holds on the menu-button while the
semi-transparent display is open, the display should become fully
opaque and behave as the normal menu.

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