[Gnome-print] Re: Bug#: 54226

Lauris Kaplinski wrote:

> Also, I always suggest package builders to include version of fontmap
> with gnome-print, and add ghostscript-fonts to required dependency list.
> The guessing methods (using .font files) are basically meant for
> building from source (so they have to work on most systems) - package
> builders usually know very well, where ghostscript fonts actually are.
> As of X and TeX fonts it probably makes sense to scan directories.

I finally found some time to finish the installation. It turned out I had
some .pfa fonts on the system (Solaris) and gnome-font-install just
ignored them. So the installation script uses t1utils to convert them to .pfb
in $prefix/share/fonts/pfbs. It's not very elegant, but it seems to work.

If you run gnome-font-install like this:

   gnome-font-install --debug dir-with-fonts

it will output debugging info and fontmap on stdout. Debugging info should
go to stderr.

I can see testprint5 output with gv, but my printer (HP LaserJet 4050)
doesn't print anything and sdtimage (which uses DPS) just hangs without
even opening a window.

The output of testpdf produces a lot of pages with just two lines on the
printer, but it's a beta, so never mind.

testprint2 and testprint3 don't come exactly right out of the printer.
With both tests the printer chops off a bit more than a half of the bottom
string (Hello-0) and about a milimeter or two from the left. I don't know
if this is a printer or software problem. Maybe the test just doesn't fit
on A4 page.

And I have a small feature request. It would be nice if gnome-font-install
had something like --summary option which woul produce a line or two of
output with the most important information about registered fonts. This is
for output from the binary package installation, so the user would know
that something is wrong if the installation reports that zero fonts were

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