Re: 0.1.43 memo conduit

Eskil Heyn Olsen writes:
 > > "Go into the control panel and then disable the conduit, save settings with
 > > OK, and then renable the conduit to Synchronize method. This should set it
 > This is the new secret tricky "initial sync stuff", where a conduit on its
 > first synchronize can request something specific. Eg. if you choose
 > "Synchronize" it results in a fast sync since your pilot already has been
 > synchronized.
 > During fast sync only modified/new records are touched, and the records in
 > your memodb are most likely not marked as new.
 > But the conduitmanager discovers that this is a first sync situation, and
 > memo_file_conduit has asked for a slow sync, thus all records are checked.

But what still buffles me, is why Charles had the problem in the first
place. It just shouldn't be. Unless of course he used memo_file prior
to 0.1.43 and didn't reenable it affresh, but it doesn't sound like
that's the case.


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