Re: New spec files uploaded

On 23 Jan 2002, Evandro Fernandes Giovanini wrote:

> From: Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <evandrofg ig com br>
> Subject: Re: New spec files uploaded
> Em Qua, 2002-01-23 ās 03:43, Gregory Leblanc escreveu:
> > Alright, after the beating I took last time, I've just uploaded a new
> > set of spec files for the -developer platform- of GNOME 2.0.  If you
> > look at the depends.dia file from
> >, you'll see that it's the
> > complete developer platform, except for glade, which hasn't been ported
> > to GNOME 2 yet (and probably won't be in time for GNOME 2.0).
> Really? There's a glade2 module in CVS and it seems to build fine. I
> think it even has some screenshots on the dotplan page.
> >
> > The desktop packages will be different, because I'll be re-writing those
> > to install into a non-standard prefix, most likely.
> You can do that by adding the following to the spec files:
> %define _prefix /opt/gnome
> %define _sysconfdir /etc/opt/gnome

I'ld rather say /opt/gnome/etc
First, there is absolutely no reason why you should make an opt dir in /etc,
it just doesn't make any bit of sense, and second, this way you contain all
of these settings to one dir (/opt/gnome). And it is the default if
--sysconfdir wasn't specified.

> You may want to create a gnomesupport package that will add
> /opt/gnome/bin to PATH, /opt/gnome/lib to and so on. (or you
> may do this in libgnome and have everything that depends on it and
> itself in /opt/gnome, and the other libraries in /usr).


Chipzz AKA
Jan Van Buggenhout

                  UNIX isn't dead - It just smells funny
                            Chipzz ULYSSIS Org

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