Re: Location chooser (was Re: [Fwd: Re: here i come !])

On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 08:31, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Bastien Nocera">
> > We also need to think of a mail server. exim has a very good debconf
> > script that asks most of the question one would need to setup his mail.
> > Apart from one thing, it worked great for me (I need the mail software to
> > send my mails automatically out when I connect onto my home network)
> nullmailer?
> [ Why would the user need a proper MTA? Hopefully our user-level mail
> solution will handle all of that polava (eg. Evolution). nullmailer would be
> good to have, because the 'primary user' could get admin mail from the
> system if there were ever a reason to send any. ]

I tried nullmailer, I didn't even get it to actually open port 25. Exim
can be configured very easily through debconf, and I could come up with
an easy to use GUI that does the same thing.

The user would need a proper MTA for 1) daemon mails 2) programs that
don't support sending directly to smtp (Bug-buddy, and certainly a lot
of other programs as well).

/Bastien Nocera

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