Re: Ideas and graph

On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 15:41, Guenter Bartsch wrote:
> hi bastien,
> On 09/17, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> > > humm - i'm just wondering what to do about this from the xine side. if
> > > totem is going to switch to another library anyway, i guess gnome-xine
> > > will need to be developed and supported further (since a lot of people
> > > certainly want to have xine on their gnome-desktop).
> > 
> > Totem will use compile-time configuration probably. I guess that people
> > that want Xine on their desktops already use xine-ui, not Totem anyway.
> > Totem is a movie player that just works :)
> uohm - i guess people who make binary packages will not be happy about
> this aproach ... had to learn this the hard way in 3 years of xine
> developement :)

As Frederic already pointed out, they will have to make a choice. That's
why they (should) have QA :)

> > You're making gnome-xine as a Gnome UI with the same faults/problems
> > that xine-ui has for end-users. In the end, Totem will probably have
> > something like 5 or 6 config options, not much more. Xine has a
> > gazillion, most of them aren't useful for the end-user.
> the config option complexity problem is beind addressed in the new api
> where each config option is associated with a "experience level" option
> so beginners will only see few config options while experts can still
> have full control over everything. i think nautilus for example uses a
> similar aproach.

It was ditched, because it should just work

> but i'm happy to see your aproach on this, of course :-)

Xine is already very good at working out of the box. Some options do
make sense in xine-lib for developers of front-ends, and for end-users,
but some of them are very scary. For example, the demux_strategy should
be auto, and just work. I don't think that any user would want to see
that in their preferences dialog. It should just work.

> > > also i'd like to hear from you if there's anything wrong with libxine or
> > > if you have any wishes/feature requests - libxine's api is currently
> > > being redesigned so this is the time to consider these. there are also
> > > some efforts going on to push libxine into the direction of video
> > > processing/editing and what's exiting about this one is that it looks
> > 
> > Video processing and editing ? Blimey, I hoped that Xine would just be a
> > movie player and do it well...
> that's another lesson i've learned from the xine project: whenever you
> want to add a cool feature, open a new field, go in a new direction,
> start a new project, there are people who shout "please don't do it!"
> #-))

Well, fair enough. But you could also join an already existing project
:) Gstreamer has already a foot in both the Gnome and the KDE camp, for
example. Up to you.


/Bastien Nocera

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