Re: Vincent Untz and the "users that like to hate people"

On 02/17/2013 08:28 PM, Ravi Kumar wrote:

> To create a launcher: Create a *.desktop file (add it
> to /usr/share/applications/ to launch it in the overview (Activities)):
>         # example
>         [Desktop Entry]
>         Encoding=UTF-8
>         Version=1.0
>         Type=Application
>         Terminal=false
>         Exec=$HOME/MyApp
>         Name=My Application
>         Icon=$HOME/Icons/MyIcon.png
How this is simple? Can a normal user do it? Can most of people remember what attributes to set in desktop files without taking reference from internet or other desktop files. While other OS makes it easy to do by single few clicks. The point is, get out of your own perspective, because you are comfortable with these tricks. Think from normal users perspective if you are making something that will be used globally. I can create shortcuts without much pain, still I would prefer to use UI which can make task easier for me. _______________________________________________

In fact there's an official package called "alacarte", and it's probably already in your box.
This is what you want. It provides an easy-to-use UI for normal user and
allows you create a desktop entry by a few clicking and selecting your application from a file dialog.

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