Re: CD ROM and Floppy icons won't disappear

+++ Sun, Oct 29, 2000 at 11:26:21PM +0800 +++
George Farris e-mails me. Film at 11. Reply right now, after the break.
> You know one thing that something like magidev **really** needs to
> handle is the floppy drive.  I have labs full of Linux with RH-6.2 on it
> and the one thing that comes up over and over again is how absolutely
> brain dead the floppy disk handling is in Linux when your trying to use
> it as a desktop OS.  I really had thought Redhat would have figured this
> one out by now but....

No. It's DOS/Windows which has the really brain-dead floppy handling.
In DOS/Windows you don't need to mount and unmount floppies because
all the floppy I/O is synchronous and slower than a frozen cow rolling
down a hill. Oh, and of course floppy I/O brings the rest of the
system to a screeching halt (try to format a floppy and do anything
meaningful at the same time in Windows 9x).

Synchronous floppy I/O is evil, evil, evil. DOS, Windows and mtools
should be taken out and shot.

(Personal opinion.)

Now if all floppy drives had insertion detection and motor ejection
like they do on the Mac and on any decent Unix workstation... then all
this would be a completely moot point.

Speaking for me, not for EarthCorp.

Mainly because I don't work for EarthCorp.

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