Re: CD ROM and Floppy icons won't disappear

* Matthias Warkus (mawarkus t-online de) wrote at 01:34 on 31/10/00:
> +++ Sun, Oct 29, 2000 at 11:26:21PM +0800 +++
> George Farris e-mails me. Film at 11. Reply right now, after the break.
> > You know one thing that something like magidev **really** needs to
> > handle is the floppy drive.  I have labs full of Linux with RH-6.2 on it
> > and the one thing that comes up over and over again is how absolutely
> > brain dead the floppy disk handling is in Linux when your trying to use
> > it as a desktop OS.  I really had thought Redhat would have figured this
> > one out by now but....
> No. It's DOS/Windows which has the really brain-dead floppy handling.
> In DOS/Windows you don't need to mount and unmount floppies because
> all the floppy I/O is synchronous and slower than a frozen cow rolling
> down a hill. Oh, and of course floppy I/O brings the rest of the
> system to a screeching halt (try to format a floppy and do anything
> meaningful at the same time in Windows 9x).

I use floppies extensively on Windows. Yes they suck so bad! But at least I
can play MP3s while copying files ;) (actually, thats the only thing I can do
since the UI is all locked up)

> Synchronous floppy I/O is evil, evil, evil. DOS, Windows and mtools
> should be taken out and shot.
> (Personal opinion.)
> Now if all floppy drives had insertion detection and motor ejection
> like they do on the Mac and on any decent Unix workstation... then all
> this would be a completely moot point.
> mawa
> -- 
> Speaking for me, not for EarthCorp.
> Mainly because I don't work for EarthCorp.
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