Re: CD ROM and Floppy icons won't disappear

George Farris wrote:
> You know one thing that something like magidev **really** needs to
> handle is the floppy drive.  I have labs full of Linux with RH-6.2 on it
> and the one thing that comes up over and over again is how absolutely
> brain dead the floppy disk handling is in Linux when your trying to use
> it as a desktop OS.  I really had thought Redhat would have figured this
> one out by now but....
> You just can't ask a user coming from the Windows would to mount and
> unmount floppy disks.  They don't like it.  

Install, the greatest WindowMaker dockapp ever. Then teach
them the danger of automatic mounting/unmounting, tell about your
friends who lose MS documents or lock up their computers because they
take a disk out at the wrong time.

get at

Run under any window manager with the -n option.  Users will instantly
understand it.  And they will appreciate the safety of the mount/unmount
Paul E. Johnson                       email: pauljohn ukans edu
Dept. of Political Science  
University of Kansas                  Office: (785) 864-9086
Lawrence, Kansas 66045                FAX: (785) 864-5700

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