Re: CD ROM and Floppy icons won't disappear

You know one thing that something like magidev **really** needs to
handle is the floppy drive.  I have labs full of Linux with RH-6.2 on it
and the one thing that comes up over and over again is how absolutely
brain dead the floppy disk handling is in Linux when your trying to use
it as a desktop OS.  I really had thought Redhat would have figured this
one out by now but....

You just can't ask a user coming from the Windows would to mount and
unmount floppy disks.  They don't like it.  Heck I don't even like it
and I've been using Unix for over 10 years.  It's good to have on the
server but not on the desktop.

> On Sat, Oct 28, 2000 at 03:19:29PM -0800 or thereabouts, Daniel Wood wrote:
> > I'd love to never see another icon on my desktop again.  After I
> > installed Redhat 7.0, I deleted all of the icons on the desktop.
> > Unfortunately every time I insert a CD a CD-ROM and a Floppy icon
> > appear.  My fruitless web searches only pointed me as far as
> > "magicdev", something that doesn't seem to have a man page.  Clues (on
> > how to make my computer stop doing random stuff that I don't
> > understand) gratefully accepted.
> Ugh. Magicdev has neither man page nor /usr/share/doc/ info. Bugzilla
> this at Red Hat's bugzilla and make Sopwith very happy. (He's going to
> kill me now, I just know it.) All there is is 'rpm -qi magicdev':

George Farris - VE7FRG           E-Mail : george gmsys com
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