Re: A must when virtual screen > physical screen

On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 02:13:53PM +0100, Tomas Ogren was heard to say:
> On 10 March, 1999 - torben fjerdingstad sent me these 1,6K bytes:
> > On Tue, Mar 09, 1999 at 11:06:46AM -0500, wrote:
> > > On  9 Mar, torben fjerdingstad scribbled:
> > > ->  I have my virtual screen bigger than the physical screen.
> > > ->  
> > > ->  2) I have to pan to the bottom of the virtual screen to
> > > ->     reach the gnome panel.
> > > 
> > > move the panel to the top?
> > 
> > Could it be located somewhere near the center !?
> Umm.. Please draw some ascii art where you'd like to have it...

  I [think] I know what he's talking about.  Anyway, I'd like this. ;-)

  Let the corner panel be docked along the edge as well as a corner:

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Perhaps it is true that computer programs and mathematical equations, like
art or nature, have their own intrinsic beauty.  But who hangs the Quicksort
algorithm on his bedroom wall?

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