Re: 19980917 compiling

I just finished setting up Tinderbox on a Solaris 2.5.1 box.  It took a
little bit of trial and error getting the build script working correctly,
but it was much easier that either LXR or bonsai to setup.

Steve Luzynski wrote:

> Todd Graham Lewis wrote:
> > 1) Set up a Tinderbox arrangement so we can see when things break and
> > where.
> This would be good, since it seems to embarass people into not checking
> in broken code. :) The pages says (quote) "It will be
> difficult to get this working at your site". Plus, we'd need to have it
> running somewhere where we could build (at minimum) against Linux, *BSD,
> and Solaris 2.5/2.6, to try to cover the majority of the audience.
> Unless it's decided that if it buils on Linux that's good enough for
> this purpose.
> Has anyone looked at the thing to see just how bad it is? I'm assuming
> that we would at least need to get ALL the makefiles working 100% in all
> circumstances -- no more "no action for target 'maintainer-clean'"
> messages like there are so many of now.
> --
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