Re: 19980917 compiling

On Fri, 18 Sep 1998, Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:

> here is my summary. i'm not sure if i should file bug reports or something
> like that. (debian has this nice bug system where you can send emails. 
> but i don't like web pages and clicking like i would have to do with gnome
> ...).

Wow, that was a really impressive string of bug reports.

I really like the idea that GNOME be "bug-free", or at least that it
compile (which is the same thing, right?  8^)  What could we do to
help in this direction?  Here are some ideas:

1) Set up a Tinderbox arrangement so we can see when things break and

2) Set up a standardized "try to build everything and report what failed"
tool that feeds into a central database.

3) I could start building everything every night by hand.

Ideas?  QA has, IMO, been our greatest failing in this project, and I
would be excited by some efforts to clean up our act.  This is another
great area where non-programmers can help the programmers a lot.

Todd Graham Lewis            32°49'N,83°36'W          (800) 719-4664, x2804
******Linux******         MindSpring Enterprises

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