Re: Is it a proper CVS dep tree?

Sergey I. Panov writes:
 > Is it better now? What worries me is that I have no idea where
 > guile-core and  gnome-guile functionality comes in to play. For
 > intance I failed to compile those two packeges but game "aisleriot"
 > works just fine, even though it uses guile. 

aisleriot uses guile but not gnome-guile. gnome-guile allows you to 
create gnome/gtk widgets (etc.) from within scheme (guile) code. 
aisleriot creates its widgets using C and uses only scheme to 
implement the rules to the card games.

BTW, many gnome apps have run time dependencies on gnome-core. For 
example, they often use the gnome-help-browser and gnome-session.
(xsm is not fully compliant with the (POSIX) SM specs!)


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